
Free Consultation

Ocala Remodelers

When searching for the perfect home, you invested the time to make sure the house you purchased would suit your needs. That same amount of care should go into choosing an Ocala exterior remodeling professional. The quality of their work will impact the value, curb appeal, and performance of your home for years to come, so choose contractors with a long reputation for excellence.

Since 1964, National HomeCraft has delivered premium products and flawless workmanship at competitive prices.

What does that mean to you?

It means you don’t have to worry about overpaying for the superior results you expect and deserve from a home improvement company. We’ve been doing this long enough to know what’s important to homeowners, and we check every box for quality, value, integrity, and superior customer service.

But don’t just take word for it!

Take a few minutes to browse through some of the nice comments that past customers have left to describe our work, and then enjoy the same next-level service for yourself by choosing us for:

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Bathroom Remodeling

Invest in Ultra-Durable Metal Roofing

An outdated roof diminishes more than your Ocala home’s curb appeal. It also leaves your home vulnerable to damage from wind, rain, and debris. Protect your home with incredibly beautiful, durable metal roofing. As certified experts in SolarShield Metal Roofing products, we’re proud to offer our customers what may be the last roof they’ll ever need!

Protect Your Ocala Home with Vinyl Siding

One of the best ways to freshen up the look of your home is by installing new vinyl siding, but quality siding contributes to much more than a beautiful façade. It also guards against damage from wind, rain, and debris, and can even help improve the energy efficiency of your home. National HomeCraft only installs high-performance siding from trusted manufacturers that stand behind their products with industry-leading warranties.

Update Your Bathroom Quickly and Affordably

A chipped tub. A hard-to-clean shower. A family member who needs an accessible solution. All of these are excellent reasons for investing in a bath renovation, especially when our one-day Ocala bath remodel options make it so fast and easy! Can we really complete the installation of your new tub or shower in just one day? Yes, we can!

Here’s how it works:

  • We provide a free consultation and help you choose every detail of your tub, shower, or surround.
  • Your order is custom-fabricated based on detailed measurements for a perfect, leak-proof fit.
  • Once it’s ready, we arrive at your home in the morning with everything we need to complete the project before we leave later that day.

It’s that simple!

Grab an Accurate Cost Estimate from Our Ocala Remodelers

Contact our Ocala remodelers to learn more about our exterior remodeling and bathroom remodeling expertise and to schedule a free, in-home consultation. Call National HomeCraft today or fill out our online contact form now to get started.