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Lakeland Remodelers

The roofing and siding on your Lakeland home are integral to the protection of your greatest investment, inside and out! If you’ve begun to notice signs of damage or decay, it’s time to find a reliable team of exterior remodeling contractors to help you fix the problem.

At National HomeCraft, our mission is to provide high-quality products that enhance the beauty and value of your home. From exterior upgrades to bathroom remodeling, our team can do it all!

If you’re looking for top-rated products, friendly customer service, and industry-leading installation options, you won’t find Lakeland home contractors better equipped and more committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction.

Choose use for:

Incredibly Durable Metal Roofing

Add value and beauty to your home while protecting it from the elements with premium SolarShield Metal Roofing. Enjoy all the benefits that have made this brand an industry leader, including ultra-durable galvanized steel, attractive architectural shingles, and a lifetime warranty that protects your investment. Our Lakeland roofing contractor also delivers expert workmanship and award-winning service from start to finish. 

Stylish, Weather-Resistant Replacement SidingNew vinyl siding is one of the best ways to transform your Lakeland home’s exterior, and National HomeCraft installs vinyl siding products that check every box for style, performance, and easy maintenance. We know it can be a challenge to budget for the quality exterior updates you need, but our simple financing with attractive terms makes it easier!

One-Day Bathroom RenovationsThere’s no need to let an outdated tub or shower detract from the style or functionality of your bathroom—not when we can transform the space in as little as one day! Whether you’re considering a bath renovation for a fresh look or because you need an accessible solution, our Lakeland bath remodel specialists deliver exactly what you need. 

Learn More About Our Expert Lakeland Remodelers Today

If you’re in the market for roofing, siding, or bathroom remodeling services in Lakeland, you need a reliable home remodeling company that can help you streamline the process from beginning to end. That’s where the top-notch contractors at National HomeCraft come in!

Give us a call today for more information or fill out our easy-to-use online form to schedule a free, no-obligation pricing estimate.