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Roof Replacement for Lake Mary Homes

As a homeowner, you’re no stranger to home improvement projects. Upgrading your roof isn’t the most exciting renovation, but it is an extremely important one. It’s your home’s first and last line of defense against the elements, and National HomeCraft is dedicated to keeping it in top condition for years to come.

Our experts have been committed to high-quality Lake Mary replacement roofing and repair solutions for over 50 years! Whether you need help with a few curling shingles or you’re ready to undertake a comprehensive remodel, our professional roofers will be there to make the entire process a breeze.

Your Premium Roofing Contractors in Lake Mary

When it comes to finding your perfect roofing contractor, why not choose one that makes their own products and installs them, too? National HomeCraft offers a unique all-in-one experience. On top of providing certified professionals for you roof repair or roof replacement, we also have manufacturer-certified experts that make all our premium products in-house!

We can tackle any minor repairs to your roof, and if your house is calling for a new one, we can help you there, too! We created SolarShield Metal Roofing as a more durable and long-lasting alternative to your average roof materials and it’s been improving homes ever since. Our metal roofs outshine traditional roofs in nearly every aspect. It can withstand high winds and heavy storms, and it reflects up to 97% of the sun’s heat.

What does that mean for you?

Your home will stay protected, comfortable, and you can save money on energy bills, too! When you work with National HomeCraft, you can expect unparalleled benefits such as:

Call Our Experts to Get Started with a Free Quote

National HomeCraft will make your roofing project a breeze no matter what you need done. As the top Central Florida roofing contractor, we offer preventative and restorative solutions that fix your roof and reinforce it for years to come. Don’t wait for damage to get worse and spread; start planning your renovation with our Lake Mary team today. Call our team or fill out our simple online form for an exact project estimate.